Audio Workouts For Fitness Professionals

Welcome to the Sub30 Core™ Blog by

Sean McCrory

Sean is a fully qualified Fitness Trainer with over 10 years experience in the industry. He successfully built from scratch one of the largest outdoor bootcamps in the country. He is also the founder and designer of the revolutionary Sub30 Core™ mp3 workouts. Sub30 Core™ is now being used by gym owners and other fitness professionals all over the world.
December 17, 2019
Are Abs Made in The Kitchen? [3 min read]

We’ve all heard that well-known fitness mantra: "Abs are made in the kitchen." Those googling tips and nutrition advice on wanting a flatter stomach or wanting a ripped, chiseled core (think Brad Pitt from Fight Club) have definitely come across the above quote. But just how true is it? I’ll be honest and say I’m […]

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